During their explorations and tours of the MEMORIA NORWAY project, SpringerParker will update the Logbook on a regular basis. It documents their route and events in forms of on location photos and descriptions sent directly via the mobile phone to this website. Clicking at the geographical data to the left of the entries lets you follow their route on the map.

Go here to see the Logbook archive of the previous explorations


No easy job

A truck is passing by in the typical manner, which means very fast and much too close. For this is our 5th trip, we're kind of used to it. All goods have to be transported into the most far out places, so you always have a lot of them rolling around, day and night and during all weather conditions. We also came across a lot of them lying like turtles upside down. Being a truck driver in the Finnmark is not an easy job. Despite all the times we cursed upon you, and all the times you may have cursed upon another damn slow German camper, thanks to all of you.