MEMORIA NORWAY is an expedition into an Arctic landscape. It is an
artistic transformation of acoustic and visual impressions and
SpringerParker are using their artistic language to describe the
Arctic region of North Norway. They are exploring and observing
landscape and environment, focussing on the impact of climate change
and industrialization.
They are recording their impressions in the form of photos and field
recordings, brass rubbings and stories: archives which serve as the
source for live performances, exhibitions and publications.
Meeting people is an essential part of the project. Musicians,
artists, people from cultural and scientific organisations, ordinary
people, they all have stories to tell about the environment they are
living in. They become part of Memoria Norway.
In co-operation with and supported by
Memories are not independent images. From the moment they
arise, they are continually compared to new experiences and
related to new contexts. Whatever appears to be a momentary
image on a photo, because it can be taken in at one glance,
has nothing to do with the common experience of a linear and
temporal sequence of events that normally determines our
perception – where every moment has its past and also leads to
a future, and therefore is in a permanent state of transition.
Perception is the interplay of the organic recording apparatus
of our senses and the psychical evaluation processes of our
brain. Memory is not only the beneficiary of this evaluation,
but as the root of experience also its prime guiding
In this sense MEMORIA can be understood as a poetic pictorial
equivalent of memory, but not as its representation or even
its explanation. By largely forgoing legible references to
real objects, a state of permanent transition is revealed
beyond the levels of narrative and association, a state which
is without doubt dependent on the parameters of the technical
apparatus and the human element inherent to the programming of
that apparatus.
(Dr. Thomas Niemeyer) |