During their explorations and tours of the MEMORIA NORWAY project, SpringerParker will update the Logbook on a regular basis. It documents their route and events in forms of on location photos and descriptions sent directly via the mobile phone to this website. Clicking at the geographical data to the left of the entries lets you follow their route on the map.
Go here to see the Logbook archive of the previous explorations
Feb-14-10 - 14:32
Franzi, Michaels girlfriend, did not ride on the scooters with us, she came here all the way on her brandnew skies together with Leica, and like us, catched a lot of snow.
Feb-14-10 - 14:31
When we met and asked Mari what she is doing, she replied with: Do you know CSI? That's what I do. She studied Molecular Biology in Bergen and now works for Bioforsk in Svanvik, mainly to keep track of the bear population and their territorial behaviour in this area.
Feb-14-10 - 14:30
Tor Johnny
Tor Johnny is an engineer and multitalent. He drives the scooter like no other, lids campfires in minutes (only from wood, not with liquids!), drills the fishing holes into the frozen lake and played us most of his music collection last night. To sum it up: a supernice guy.
Feb-14-10 - 14:29
Mona & Luba
A part of Pikene på Broen in private: Mona and Luba can't wait getting out on the lake. Btw., today is Norwegian Mother's day.
Feb-14-10 - 14:28
Tor Olav
Their son Tor Olav is 9 and just a smaller version of his daddy.
Feb-14-10 - 14:27
Marit Johanne
Marit Johanne is Mona and Tor Johnny's youngest daughter, who just turned 8, hooray! Unfortunately, their older daughter, Inger Marie, the football star of the region, couldn't join us today, due to an injury on the foot. Get well soon !
Feb-14-10 - 14:25
Her master's voice
Michael, who drove one of the scooters, is a photographer from Leipzig. He lives in this region for three years and used to train dogs for sledge races like the Finnmarksløpen (the northernmost in the world) . The proper clothing is everything! Michael knows this only too well and now tries to explain that to his dog Leica. She seems to accept her fate, although she gives him the looks as if she would have preferred a different color.
Feb-14-10 - 14:16
Michael took this photo. For us it was a relief to arrive at the lake after a 25 minutes ride that felt like an hour. Parker is totally happy with the sound recordings, even if he claims that this was one of the hardest he ever did. Professionally dressed in borrowed snowscooter suits, we felt like pilots during their first flights while Springer even looked like one. Yes, that is ice on his glasses.
Feb-14-10 - 14:12
Parker is fighting hard to stay on the sledge while doing sound recordings of the scooter.